La temporada 2 de 'Battlefield 2042' agregará un nuevo mapa y un especialista la próxima semana

 La segunda temporada presenta un nuevo mapa jugable, así como especialidades, armas de fuego y vehículos adicionales.

EA Dice ha detallado para los jugadores lo que pueden esperar experimentar en la próxima segunda temporada de Battlefield 2042, titulada Master Of Arms.

La segunda semana, a partir del 30 de agosto, Master of Arms tendrá un nuevo mapa, especialista, hardware y pase de batalla.

Stranded es el nombre que se le da al nuevo mapa, que tiene lugar en un lago árido drenado en Panamá y tiene un barco de contenedores varado en el que los jugadores pueden participar en combates y sus alrededores. Charlie Crawford, que posee tanto la conocida ametralladora estacionaria Vulcan como la capacidad de factor de caché, ha sido ascendido al puesto de experto.

Es posible establecer una cantidad significativa de potencia de fuego con la ayuda de la ametralladora estacionaria Vulcan, que es efectiva incluso contra motores ligeros y tropas. La posibilidad de factor de caché "proporciona a los contribuyentes de escuadrón revisados ​​munición de sistema más alta", mientras tanto.

En el video de la segunda temporada de Under, puedes ver todas las partes móviles, incluido el mapa, el especialista, las armas y los automóviles.  

The second season introduces a new playable map and additional specialties, firearms, and vehicles.

EA Dice has detailed for players what they can expect to experience in the upcoming second season of Battlefield 2042, titled Master Of Arms.

The second week, starting August 30, Master of Arms will have a new map, specialist, hardware, and battle pass.

Stranded is the name given to the new map, which takes place on a drained dry lake in Panama and has an abandoned container ship that players can engage in combat on and around. Charlie Crawford has been promoted to the position of expert, possessing both the well-known stationary Vulcan machine gun and the cache factor ability.

It is possible to establish a significant amount of firepower with the help of the stationary Vulcan machine gun, which is effective even against light engines and troops. The cache factor chance "provides revised squad contributors with higher system ammo," meanwhile.

In the Under Season 2 video, you can see all the moving parts, including the map, stuntman, weapons, and cars.

Since the AM40 is a hybrid of an assault rifle and a machine gun, players now have access to two additional weapons in addition to the original four. While at the same time, the Advances is a new light machine gun, and the PF51 is a stable step between a pistol and a machine gun for companies of adversaries in close quarters, both weapons were introduced simultaneously.

The new season also features four-seater cars, like the EBLC-RAM and the Polaris RZR, both of which will be available in the first update of the second season. Both vehicles are focused on moving quickly.

Additionally, during the third season of Battlefield 2042, controversial Specialists will be integrated into the entire series ranking system. This will reintroduce the Assault, Recon, Support, and Engineer roles in the multiplayer shooter.

This expert update also included details on what players can expect in the coming months, such as the M16A3 assault weapon and M60E4 LMG from Battlefield 3 making their way into the game. These details were included in the update.

Various modernized iterations of Renewal and Orbital maps will also be more useful in September and October, respectively, thanks to the visible and mechanical changes introduced during those months.

In other news, Microsoft has announced that it currently has no intentions of increasing the price of its Xbox Series X|S consoles in response to Sony's sudden announcement that it will increase the cost of the PS5 system.

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