Sarah Meth anuncia detalles de un próximo EP titulado STEPS

 Sarah Meth's self-produced title tune serves as the EP's announcement, and Louis O Bryen of the London band Sorry contributed his debut as a producer to the EP's other songs.

The Londoner's third EP, STEPS, consists of six new songs that recall her personal experiences of sexual trauma, but painted and portrayed with surprising splashes of color, personality, and her capacity to own those memories through her own strength and power.

The theme of "STEPS EP" is taking bold steps towards the future. While Meth says she didn't set out to make a project on sexual trauma, she acknowledges that the songs she recorded helped her come to terms with and embrace her past. To paraphrase, "Steps is ultimately about'making it through' to define new versions of ourselves after such experiences," and "I hope it brings a distinct vulnerability and perspective to the subject matter."

Ella dice: "Había planeado autoproducir el álbum, pero terminé llevándole aproximadamente la mitad de las canciones a mi amigo Louis [O Bryen], a quien estoy muy agradecida por brindarme un espacio para elevar esas canciones de la forma en que lo hicimos". ". De manera similar a mi proyecto de demos Midnight Snacks, grabé este EP cantando en el micrófono de mi computadora portátil mientras estaba acurrucado en la cama. Sin embargo, era importante para mí darle a canciones como "Fucktoy", "Sister You Said" y "Red Hands" un impulso de producción que permitiera la exploración de nuevos sonidos y al mismo tiempo hiciera las letras más abiertas y explícitas.

Lista de canciones:

"Sucede, hermana, te duelen los ojos", introducción.

Fucktoy con pasos y manos rojas

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