Amex Gold Unsigned presenta una exhibición de música en vivo y un set de DJ de Mike Skinner

El mes pasado (30 de noviembre), Amex Gold Unsigned celebró su nuevo esfuerzo con una exhibición en vivo.

El showcase, que tuvo lugar en The Dome de Tufnell Park, contó con actuaciones en vivo de los seis finalistas y un DJ set de Mike Skinner de The Streets.

Los artistas emergentes sin contrato y los espacios comunitarios que llaman hogar son el tema de una nueva iniciativa centrada en la música que busca honrar y elevar a ambos.

El panel de Amex Gold Unsigned eligió seis bandas y artistas no firmados entre cientos de presentaciones para tocar en el recientemente renovado music hall del lugar en Londres.

Supplied Photo: Kent band BABY kicked things off with their ragged indie-rock, and then Kianja, a graduate of the BRIT School, introduced her song "I Get By" by talking about the "rough times" that "people all around the world are feeling.

In his reflective set, Simon A blended spoken word with rap to address the social problems caused by social media in the modern world. Live music culminated with stunning performances by Riya Gadher and Harleighblu, and it all started with a boisterous concert by Abz Winter of Coventry, who premiered her new single "Are You Good?".

Jess Iszatt, host of BBC Introducing and a panellist, addressed the audience and explained how they might help the musicians on the stage and throughout their careers at this crucial juncture.

Iain Scott and Sally Hipwell of The Dome/Downstairs at The Dome discussed the effects of the renovations on the venue in a recent interview with NME. During an interview with NME, Hipwell expressed their hope that the platform would attract a wider variety of musical styles. "Diversity is key, so we're open to everything and want everything to come in."

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