Mira a Joanna Sternberg y Cassandra Jenkins unirse a Caroline Rose en dos canciones en Brooklyn

 Our Band to Watch in 2018 Caroline Rose has been on tour, performing her strange songs from The Art Of Forgetting, which came out last year and was profound. Rose played at Brooklyn Steel in New York last night. Joanna Sternberg and Cassandra Jenkins joined her for two songs.

The three independent singers sang "Where Do I Go From Here? " and "Everywhere I Go I Bring The Rain," two of the best songs from The Art Of Forgetting. Also this year, the record was up for a Grammy for Best Recording Package. However, Dry Cleaning for Stumpwork won the award.

Sternberg's most recent record, I've Got Me, was our record Of The Week last year. He also appeared with Rose on the FADER's compilation album for trans rights groups in November. Below, you can watch Rose, Sternberg, and Jenkins play.

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